Season of Creation Event: Mini-Retreat + Tree-Ring Lab Tour

A Season of Creation Event

Your are invited!
(Registration will help, but is not required)
Contains directions and parking information

Saturday September 21st 2019
9 am - Noon
Laudato Si'
Morning of Reflection / Mini-Retreat
on the theme: 


You are invited to a truly unique morning of celebrating God’s Gift of Creation with TREES!  Inspired by Pope Francis' Laudato Si' Encyclical, this mini-retreat, titled  “There is Always Hope for a Tree,” will include prayer, scripture, a short tour of the University of Arizona’s Tree-Ring Lab, quiet reflection time outdoors, interactive exploration of what tree rings reveal about the environment, and concrete ways we can make a difference in caring for Our Common Home.

Sponsored by:  The Care for Creation Initiative
of Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Parish

Facilitator:  Katie Hirschboeck, PhD
OMOS Parishioner, Tree-Ring Lab Emeritus Faculty,
& National Catholic Climate Ambassador

to be held at:

The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
University of Arizona

Contains directions and parking information

(Registration will help, but is not required)
 To register or ask questions?

What is the Season of Creation?

From September 1 to October 4,
Christians around the world celebrate the Season of Creation.
Some of us pray, some of us do hands-on projects, some of us advocate.

We all protect creation. It’s powerfully good work that’s urgently needed.

The momentum continues long after the season ends
through ongoing prayer, changes in lifestyle, and advocacy.

During the Season of Creation, we live out our faith to care for creation.
This global celebration began in 1989 with the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s
recognition of the World Day of Prayer for Creation
and is now embraced by the wide ecumenical community.
During the Season of Creation, we unite as one family in Christ,
celebrating the bonds we 
share with each other and
with “every living creature on earth.”
(Genesis 9:10)

The Christian 
family celebrates the season by spending time in prayer,
considering ways to more 
sustainably inhabit our common home,
and lifting our voices in the public sphere.

Earth Week: Creation at the Crossroads

APRIL 23rd
Join a unique conversation
   on how everything is connected . . .

from Arizona to the Amazon,
from planting trees to climate change,

from choices today to the future of the planet,
from where there is despair, to where hope is now being sowed!

Created by
 RENEW International, in collaboration
GreenFaithand the Catholic Climate Covenant,

 Creation at the Crossroads 

is a small-group  faith-sharing resource
 that responds to Pope Francis' call to action
in his Laudato Si' encyclical.

Sponsored by Our Mother of Sorrows'
Care for Creation Initiative

Facilitated by
Katie Hirschboeck
Catholic Climate Ambassador

FOR MORE INFORMATION contact the Parish Office

Tucson's Laudato Si' in the Desert Circle

Tucson's Laudato Si' in the Desert Circle
 is up and running!

A small group has been gathering monthly since January.

 If you would like to learn more or participate, please email 
Katie Hirschboeck
and she will send you more details.

Have you been inspired by Laudato Si' ?
Are you active in fostering
Care for Creation activities
 . . . in your parish ?
 . . . in the Diocese of Tucson ?

 . . . as an individual ?

Are you feeling a call to pray more deeply
about what you are doing

in fellowship with others?

    Description based on the Global Catholic Climate Movement website

Laudato Si Circles are small groups of people who gather regularly to deepen their relationship with God as Creator and all members of creation. They are comprised of people committed to the process of ecological conversion, both as individuals and collectively, with the goal of engaging in urgently needed Laudato Si action.

LS Circles are rooted in three pillars of prayer, simplicity, and communal action.

1) prayer with and for creation (for instance through praying outside, an ecological examen, a special Mass)

2) reflection and discernment on participants’ ongoing process of ecological conversion, 
particularly as it relates to issues of simplicity and consumption

3) engagement in group action to be developed by the Circle participants as ideas and inspiration emerge from (1) and (2)  


LS CIRCLE PROGRAM SPONSOR: The Global Catholic Climate Movement 

2019 Lent Care for Creation Calendar

Travel through Lent 2019 with the
Holy Ground, Common Ground
Lent 2019 Caring for God's Creation Calendar for the Tucson Region
Click  HERE or a PDF of the calendar with active links!

Tucson's "Laudato Si' Desert Circle" is Forming NOW!

Tucson's Laudato Si' in the Desert Circle
 is forming now!

Our first gathering will take place during the last two weeks of January.

 If you would like to learn more or participate, please email 
Katie Hirschboeck as soon as possible
and she will send you more details.

Have you been inspired by Laudato Si' ?
Are you active in fostering
Care for Creation activities
 . . . in your parish ?
 . . . in the Diocese of Tucson ?

 . . . as an individual ?

Are you feeling a call to pray more deeply
about what you are doing

in fellowship with others?

    Description based on the Global Catholic Climate Movement website

Laudato Si Circles are small groups of people who gather regularly to deepen their relationship with God as Creator and all members of creation. They are comprised of people committed to the process of ecological conversion, both as individuals and collectively, with the goal of engaging in urgently needed Laudato Si action.

LS Circles are rooted in three pillars of prayer, simplicity, and communal action.

1) prayer with and for creation (for instance through praying outside, an ecological examen, a special Mass)

2) reflection and discernment on participants’ ongoing process of ecological conversion,

particularly as it relates to issues of simplicity and consumption, and

3) engagement in group action to be developed by the Circle participants as ideas and inspiration emerge from (1) and (2)  


DATE:  First meeting will be scheduled between Jan 24 - 29 and selected based on interested participants' availability
FREQUENCY:  Monthly meetings for 1.5 hour 

  Location will vary with some meetings outdoors.  The first meeting will be in midtown.   Contact Katie for details.

LS CIRCLE PROGRAM SPONSOR: The Global Catholic Climate Movement